Chimmy Cheesecake

I just wanted to break away from the Women's Retreat (Tabernacle International Deliverance Church...we're at the Double Tree Resort) to say Happy Birthday to a very special young lady. Yes, she gets a spot on my blog. I love her like she were my own but am so thankful that she had a mother and family (hey granpa and grandma) that loved her more than we could ever love her and nurtured her so that she could decide to be the woman she is today, a fearfully and wonderfully made young woman of God. I appreciate her flaws and her honesty and I commend her for trying to be a better example everyday. It's not too often that you have a 23 year old who is so independent and dependent on Christ. So Chimmy, as she is affectionately known as, because "fatty loves cheesecake" LoL!, I am proud to be like a "Mama" to you and I love you and can't wait to see where the good Lord leads you as I know your will is to FOLLOW. Love it!!! Hugz and Smoochez!!!

MamaSone but you always say Mamacita...LoL! And yesssss her favorite color is PINK.

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Unknown said...

I don't believe in crying......ssssnnnniiiifffffffff

i didnt want to read it that day because i didnt want you to see me like this. lol!

Thanks you greatly

Unknown said...

U ain't cry!!! LMBO! I heart u for real :-)! My poopsie. LOL!

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