God has truly blessed me to do what I absolutely love, ASIDE from being a wife and a mother, of course. I enjoy teaching because it allows me to put myself right back in the place that made me fall in love with my choice of major (Accounting...for those who didn't know). I mean, I taught my COMP 100 class on Wednesday morning and I looooooooove that class too, because without it, your papers and assignments will be really jacked up, but it's something about my first love.

Thursday night in class I was able to meet a wide range of students all of whom were probably older than me (except one person) and more "qualified" than me if you're looking at the corporate world, but I was the one they listened to tonight. I was the EXPERT because of what I loved, because of my passion, because I was the INSTRUCTOR. We were all on the level playing field, it  didn't matter what we were outside of the classroom. So as I go on...I was just excited because even though they were apprehensive about this whole "Accounting" thing, I saw the twinkle in their eyes when they GOT IT!

It's just a blessing to be placed in a position to do what you really love! Thanks God for being so AWESOME!!!

I'll Holler...Hugz!

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Keeping it Up

I was so glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord!

You will find love in the house of the Lord, you will find peace in the house of the Lord, you will find joy in the house of the Lord, you can pretty much find ANYTHING you need in His house. I've just been at a time when I can actually sit still long enough to really praise Him for His blessings and the times that He said no. This week has been very good to and for me. Sometimes you do need a break from your daily routines. Now I didn't get much rest because I'm studying and writing a paper and attending chats, but you can understand what I mean, right? It's good to sit and reflect. I tell you, it allows you to truly see that there is no ME, MYSELF, or I in anything that has been done in my life.

Have a wonderfully blessed evening and when I am done my paper and research I can actually blog on a regular basis :-).


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We moved!!!

Yessssssssssssssssssssss!!! We are NO LONGER living with my in-laws. Now this wasn't a bad thing at all because we love them, but you know how it is to have your own place and your own space. We felt like we were getting on their nerves at times (even though they said we weren't) :-(. But the new house is absolutely beautiful! Waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the other place. I mean, a BEAUTIFUL front and back yard (it's really like a side yard since it's on the side of the house), 3 beds, 2 1/2 baths (yes on full is in our room), and get this...a gas stove!!! LoL! Looooooooove the gas cooking, nothing like it! 

We are almost done unpacking and then we can truly be settled. I have soooo much to say about this wonderful blessing God has given us but I will shorten my "ain't been writing in a while" rant. I have to go do research and wash clothes...yes...multi-tasking :-)!

Hugz...I'll holler!

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Who said laughing wasn't Godly?

Thanks so much to the Yolanda Adams morning show for putting some things into perspective for me! 

It was a blessing to be reminded that God laughs even in the midst of "trouble". I thank God for allowing me to have the gift of laughter even when things look like they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of whack. It's great to know that we serve a God who has a sense of humor, isn't it? If you continue to read on you will see how funny God thought things were. Just knowing that as long as I can laugh at my enemies or my trials/storms/tribulations, whatever you like to call them, and I stay on the Lord's side, all things are taken care of. 

"Thank you for the gift of humor Lord and I will always praise You through my circumstances, I cannot afford not to. You are an AWESOME, POWERFUL, and MIGHTY God!"

Psalm 2 (Contemporary English Version)

The LORD's Chosen King
 1Why do the nations plot, and why do their people make useless plans? 2The kings of this earth have all joined together to turn against the LORD and his chosen one.3They say, "Let's cut the ropes and set ourselves free!" 4In heaven the LORD laughs as he sits on his throne,   making fun of the nations. 5The LORD becomes furious and threatens them. His anger terrifies them as he says, 6"I've put my king on Zion, my sacred hill." 7I will tell the promise that the LORD made to me: "You are my son, because today I have become your father. 8Ask me for the nations, and every nation on earth will belong to you. 9You will smash them with an iron rod and shatter them like dishes of clay." 10Be smart, all you rulers, and pay close attention. 11Serve and honor the LORD; be glad and tremble. 12Show respect to his son because if you don't, the LORD might become furious and suddenly destroy you. But he blesses and protects everyone who runs to him. Amen

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Chimmy Cheesecake

I just wanted to break away from the Women's Retreat (Tabernacle International Deliverance Church...we're at the Double Tree Resort) to say Happy Birthday to a very special young lady. Yes, she gets a spot on my blog. I love her like she were my own but am so thankful that she had a mother and family (hey granpa and grandma) that loved her more than we could ever love her and nurtured her so that she could decide to be the woman she is today, a fearfully and wonderfully made young woman of God. I appreciate her flaws and her honesty and I commend her for trying to be a better example everyday. It's not too often that you have a 23 year old who is so independent and dependent on Christ. So Chimmy, as she is affectionately known as, because "fatty loves cheesecake" LoL!, I am proud to be like a "Mama" to you and I love you and can't wait to see where the good Lord leads you as I know your will is to FOLLOW. Love it!!! Hugz and Smoochez!!!

MamaSone but you always say Mamacita...LoL! And yesssss her favorite color is PINK.

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To all of the mothers I know and love and to those who have adopted children AND to those who have nurtured just like a mother, thank you for being great and have a wonderfully blessed day!!

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You don't know...

Like I know :-)! I am just on fire today. I woke up with the Lord on my mind. Not like I don't any other time, but in all reality it's been a struggle these days. Been hit with some SERIOUS hard times and I know it's only because I am on my way to the next level BUT it just doesn't feel good at all. Soooooo the whole move thing. LoL! Yeah, I didn't talk much about that and probably won't. The bottom line is that somehow I've ended up with no place to move to and all of our belongings in storage. How does that happen? LoL! It's a test. MUST BE...GOTTA BE!!! Only the Lord would allow our faith to be tested at this heightened level, especially with our children being involved. I thank God for His continued mercies and grace, I thank the Lord for bestowing His favor on my life. I was reminded of Psalm 56 when I asked a couple of very close friends to keep us in their prayers. 

It's funny because that is one of Juan's favorite chapters in the Bible. It got him through some serious hard times in Iraq and God even gave him a song about it :-). With that being said, Psalm 56:

1 Be merciful to me, O God, for man would swallow me up;
         Fighting all day he oppresses me.
 2 My enemies would hound me all day,
         For there are many who fight against me, O Most High.
 3 Whenever I am afraid,
         I will trust in You.
 4 In God (I will praise His word),
         In God I have put my trust;
         I will not fear.
         What can flesh do to me?
 5 All day they twist my words;
         All their thoughts are against me for evil.
 6 They gather together,
         They hide, they mark my steps,
         When they lie in wait for my life.
 7 Shall they escape by iniquity?
         In anger cast down the peoples, O God!
 8 You number my wanderings;
         Put my tears into Your bottle;
         Are they not in Your book?
 9 When I cry out to You,
         Then my enemies will turn back;
         This I know, because God is for me.
 10 In God (I will praise His word),
         In the LORD (I will praise His word),
 11 In God I have put my trust;
         I will not be afraid.
         What can man do to me?
 12 Vows made to You are binding upon me, O God;
         I will render praises to You,
 13 For You have delivered my soul from death.
         Have You not kept my feet from falling,
         That I may walk before God
         In the light of the living?

Be Blessed!
Hugz and I'll Holler!

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God IS the bomb!!!

Isn't it funny how you feel like you're going through the absolute WORST time in your life and then an Angel from heaven comes down to bless your soul. Today I received some fabulous news that will allow me to move forward in life and I thank God for being sovereign. He's so hot!!! So the moral of the story is...stay encouraged and run the race according to HIS plan for you and everything else will fall into place, even when it feels so bad.

Hugz...I'll Holler!

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At lunch with my big sis! Wheeeeew !

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Moving NOT made easy!

I tell you...we are still NOT moved into our new place yet. It's been a very rough transition thus far. Work not being done, promises not being met. Man...if I knew all of this was going to happen I probably would've signed up for NOT moving. LoL! So for all of you who are asking, "How'd the move go?" STOP ASKING. LoL! We will let you know how it went once we're out of our parents' house and into a place of our own. LoL! Sooooooooooo back to living out of boxes. Ohhhhh the good times!


I'll Holler!

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What a GOOD Day!

Okay so today was good so far! This morning I went to the KOP branch of DeVry to meet with the center's dean to get the tour of my new classroom and all of that good stuff! I'm really blessed to have such an awesome opportunity. Thank you Lord for your blessings!!! Then I went to lunch with my sister Master P...LoL! She'd kill me if she knew I let her nickname out the bag. LoL! Well anyways, we went to Chipotle and are both sick bc we ate so daggone much. LoL! Now I'm on my way to get Pretty Gyrl (my daughter) and will finish packing when we get home. Oh joy!!! Chimmy is up next week, so much fun I tell ya!

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Tuesday: Still Packing

Okay, so do NOT judge me! I have only began to pack starting ummm yes, Sunday. LoL! I tried to pack here and there but it just didn't work. So now, I'm talking on the phone with Chimmy and typing this blog post. I am NOT packing. I know! I'm thinking about where in the world we are going to have the fight party (Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Sugar Shane) on the 1st of May. Oh boy...so many things to think about. Annnnnnd I have my class coming up :-). I'm soooo excited about that one indeed. I'm just gonna type a blog about that by itself. Okay well I must go now. Hugz!

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I'm Back!

I decided to start a new blog simply because I treated my original blog so bad. I wanted to start FRESH...is that okay? I'm assuming that there will only be like two people who will read this anyhow, but it's exciting nevertheless. So I am so super excited about how God has been blessing in the past three months! Tax season is over, thank you Lordy and the kids are getting big. Juan's doing great and my doggies are still adorable :-).

Get this...I'm an Instructor at DeVry University now! I even got the wonderful privilege to speak at my Alma Mater, Girls' High. It was an absolute BLLLLLLLAST! These young women are gonna be taking over soon :-). Vincit Qui Se Vincit. **side note** I also learned, while there, that ignorance is very much alive. A fellow speaker asked me if DeVry was a real school...as opposed to a fake one? LoL! Help us Father.

Welp it's getting early :-) and I'm actually going to go to bed soon. Tell ya peeps that Mama's back and then I can have FIVE followers. LoL!

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Mama's back! Hugz!!!


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